The Two Big Surprises of Artificial Intelligence (AI)

AI has been making huge leaps forward, but there are still some roadblocks when it comes to real-world use. Let's explore two surprising trends:

Open Source vs. Closed Source: The Performance Gap is Closing

Headlines might scream about the dominance of closed-source models like ChatGPT, Gemini, and Claude. But the truth is, the underlying performance isn't that different. The cool thing is, open-source models are catching up way faster than expected. Why? Because they can be customized for specific tasks, making them a better fit for businesses.

One company even reported, "After tweaking Mistral and Llama, they performed almost as well as OpenAI, but for a fraction of the cost!" This means companies have more options and don't have to rely solely on a few big names.

The ROI Mystery: Businesses Struggle to Measure AI's Value

Generative AI is all the rage, but when it comes to businesses actually using it, there's a big question mark: how much money does it really make them? The hype often overshadows the practical application. Some AI vendors might even exaggerate the benefits and make unrealistic promises to land sales.

The problem is, most companies haven't figured out a good way to measure the return on investment (ROI) of AI. Metrics like "increased productivity" or "customer satisfaction scores" are too vague and subjective to translate into real dollars and cents. Many businesses seem to ignore this, blindly trusting that AI will be a goldmine and throwing money at deployment.

The Takeaway

AI is booming, but there are challenges. Here's what businesses should keep in mind:

  • Don't chase closed-source models blindly – open source can often do the job.
  • Choose a model that aligns with your needs and fine-tune it for a perfect fit.
  • Develop a solid system to measure AI's ROI and see the real impact.

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